Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Day Two sailing to Pago Pago

We turned the clocks back an hour last night. Hurray for westbound travel! We tried to stay up later and watched a movie on TV.  We watched "Learning to Drive". It was well done. We hit a brief rough patch of sailing last night that woke me briefly. Clay was up first this morning shortly before 7am as sunrise was 6:55 am he beat the sun up.  Today being Saturday we waited to go to Waterside at 8am. I was still waiting for Eggs Benedict. As last week's cheese omelet, it was anticlimactic. It was too hard to eat! I only ate one and when Clay finished his blueberry pancakes, he tried to eat the other one. He too found it too hard to eat! I don't remember that being a problem before.We needed a sharper knife.

The captain says running 4 of 6 generators we are averaging over 20 knots and on time. Seas are mostly running 4 to 6 feet so pretty calm. Yesterday was picture perfect. Today is expected to be rainier as well as tomorrow ashore.

We plan to have lunch at Marketplace. We have 6 pm dinner reservations at Prego tonight. It is Formal dress tonight. We think we'll go to "The Mummy"  at the theater at 2:30 pm. It is from 2017 with Tom Cruise and we can't recall seeing it before.

Tomorrow morning we should arrive in Pago Pago, American Samoa. The captain says Pago Pago (pah-go pah-go, like it looks). Our destination lecturer say Pango Pango which he says is the correct pronunciation. I've searched online and both are considered correct. I'll just avoid saying it aloud to be on  the safe side. We have a half-day shore excursion booked through the ship. We have been warned of rough open-air hard bench buses and high school student guides to adjust our expectations. It departs at 9:45 am so we plan to return to Waterside for Sunday breakfast. I have a plan for a malted Belgian waffle. Our original plan here had been to go to the National Park on our own. Checking the website however revealed it is closed on weekends. So that is why we booked the ship's excursion. I've just sat through the destination lecturer's presentation on Pago Pago and he highly recommended everyone take a visit to the National Park. He spent a good 5 minutes of his half hour describing the National Park. It was too bad he couldn't have spent 5 minutes fact checking that it will not be open for us to visit. I don't put too much stock in his information now though.

In other news, we still have afternoon sun on our balcony and it is finally too hot and humid out there even for Clay!

Assume nothing newsworthy occurring today, I will post this now.