Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Friday, January 18, 2019

Day Four sailing across the Pacific

The gained hour of sleep seemed to agree with everyone. We easily found an empty table in our preferred area at breakfast. I'm looking forward to something besides yogurt this weekend. The omelets and bacon look so perfect! Clay's studied today's menus and it looks like it will be all 3 meals in the Marketplace space high and aft. At night Marketplace becomes Churrascaria which is new since we were last onboard Serenity.

I should comment on dinner last night at Silk. Before boarding we'd heard mostly negative feedback about it. So we were pleasantly surprised when our 1st meal there was excellent and delicious. Last night we must have gotten what all the complaints have been about. I had exactly the same meal with the exception of a glass of Riesling instead of Gruner Veltliner. (By the way, the Riesling is the better of the two.) The wonton soup was the same, OK but nothing to write home about. The black pepper beef was bad especially since I'd just had it and we had that as an expectation. We both agreed the cut of beef had  to be different as the texture was completely different and a bit repulsive. While the first time was nicely flavored of black pepper, last night's was completely without flavor of any kind. Just mushy, chewy and bland. Too boot, there must have been some kind of photo training because many of the maĆ®tre d's and waiters now recognize our faces and greet us by name, even one's we've never seen before! That makes it harder to not tell them what we really think when they come around begging compliments. They should taste the food themselves to find out how it is. I personally don't want to spend my dining time waiting for them to whisk away a bad dish and cook another one. We left when they forgot to deliver my mint tea. The waiter realized it and offered to give it to me in a go cup but we told him we'd just go to Bistro. Then we went. We forgot all about our invitation to a 7pm cocktail party by Signatures TA consortium hosts until we were back in the cabin! Oh well, it was not an RSVP event so hopefully we weren't missed.

The Captain announced at his 9am shipwide address that we are in 8 to 12 foot swells and he now expects that won't change much between here and Hawaii. He said it may be a little less swell from time to time but probably it will be a little more from time to time. It is sunny again and it continues to warm up a few degrees a day.

After the 9am announcement, we left Palm Court and found the cabin ready. Clay pronounced that we have the stewardess trained to get in and out ASAP now because I think we spend more time in our cabin than most cruisers do. Maybe. I know she was mortified the 2nd night she missed our service and told us she'd do our cabin first from the next night on. She has kept her promise and that's all we can expect. Now I'll just keep my fingers crossed that she's working the entire WC and we don't have to go through the training period again.

Clay went for a 2 mile deck in the sun on the top deck. We moved the coffee table and gave me a perfect space to do my yoga workout between the bed and balcony.

We plan to attend a 1:30pm lecture after lunch. It is "Killing Captain Cook:Hawaii 1779". We would plan to stay for the 2:30pm popcorn movie "12 Strong".

I am going to assume nothing newsworthy will happen today and post this.