Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Day Two sailing across the Pacific

We had a long night last night since we moved the clocks back an hour. We tried to stay up later by watching a movie on TV but we were still up at 6:30am old time and 5:30 am new time. We tried to go back to sleep since we had no where to be this morning but within an hour we were both up and moving. Such problems...

Everyone else onboard must have had the same early rising problem because when we got to Marketplace we couldn't find any where to sit! We started a 2nd pass through and sat in a different area than we'd wanted. You hate to give up a waiter you've already trained! We had last night's dinner waiter today. He was a quick study but says he's leaving in Honolulu, our 1st port. Clay made a sausage sandwich and I had my normal cup of yogurt with spoon of granola and a skinny cappuccino. I am trying to keep healthy by only allowing myself the luxury of a full cooked breakfast on weekends while we're aboard Serenity. We'll see.

After breakfast, Clay went to the gym for the treadmill. I sprayed 2 outfits each with Permethrin as safari outfits in ports with mosquito-born diseases.

Lunch menu today was listed as Nuevo Latino. That meant the chef had never actually seen an enchilada. We both had the soup first and really liked it. Clay had flank steak and pronounced it very tender and delicious. He ate my guacamole. I had the sugar free dessert of pineapple mousse and really liked it. We ate downstairs at Waterside because according to the Captain's 9am announcement we are still in 8 to 12 foot swells with a high wind. The sun did shine today. The Captain says he doesn't expect to exit this big low pressure system until day after tomorrow. I must have gotten my sea legs because I'd have guessed conditions had improved overnight based on how I feel.

We reorganizing the clothes hanging around  to dry after lunch. At 2:30 pm we went to the movie theater and watched "Leave No Trace". It was rather sad and a little disturbing but a well made film. We got popcorn.

Back to the cabin to stow the dry clothes and reorganize those still damp to hang over the tub. Clay went to try to make additional reservations at any of the specialty restaurants. We've only been to Silk so far, have 1 at Umi Uma and 1 at Prego upcoming this segment. We have an allotment of no charge reservations that we can make onboard and he is trying to find nights they can take us early. This probably should have been done the afternoon we boarded since we have a time preference. Clay came back successful. All our included reservations have been secured for this segment.

Tonight is Casual and I guess we've decided to go back to Waterside tonight.