Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Day Five sailing across the Pacific


I should start with dinner last night. Daytime's Marketplace opens partially at night as a Churrascaria or Brazilian steak house. I don't believe I've ever been to one anywhere including in Brazil that I've enjoyed. I did not like anything about this one either. The best thing Clay could say about it is that it was the most food he's eaten at a single meal onboard. That won't be enough to bring us back. The sad thing is that it is the only alternative restaurant that does not require a reservation. So if I find myself with nothing to eat at Waterside and no alternative reserved, I am out of luck. I feel certain I can skip a meal or have the ramen noodles at Bistro as a backup, but Clay doesn't like that idea. We'll just hope for the best.

True to the Captain's prediction the seas have remained the same. We've changed course a bit to get back on track to Honolulu from our southern detour leaving LA. We have the wind at our backs now and are down to running 3 of 6 generators. We should be docked by tomorrow at 7am. Hurray!

I was so looking forward to a cooked weekend breakfast today. It was anti-climactic. We went to Marketplace instead of Waterside which my have been our mistake. I guess we didn't want to wait until after 8am to eat. Clay conjectured that Waterside might have had Eggs Benedict though. We have never seen it at Marketplace. I thought I'd see crispy bacon and great looking omelets though and I was looking forward to that. I was oddly disappointed. Oh well. We have an all day excursion tomorrow departing at 8:45am so it is not clear we'll have time for a big breakfast tomorrow anyway. I guess it depends what time they start serving.

Today is the Crystal Grand Gala Buffet in the Atrium and Waterside. It opens for photography in about 30 minutes. Clay will probably go for photos. We'll probably hope the only half open Marketplace can accommodate us or else we'll try for Trident or Silk for a pizza. We'll see. Anything to avoid the hoopla.

We went to sign off on all the WC required, ship provided visas/landing cards for the entire cruise after 8:30am this morning. If that finished it, it was a piece of cake. I think they may end up placing $120 or so in fees on our shipboard account for the privilege.

Clay walked on the top deck again after breakfast. I worked on my needlepoint. We saw birds outside today. The first sign of life we've seen since LA other than 5 distant freighters. I don't know what kind of birds they were, but they didn't seem very large for living so far from land.

We plan to go to the 2:30 pm popcorn movie "The Dark Tower". We plan to go to Waterside for dinner. Tomorrow we have a 6pm reservation at Umi Uma. We hope we are out of there in time to see the total lunar eclipse.

I don't expect anything newsworthy the rest of the day, so I'll go ahead and post this now.
