Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Gornergrat - Riffelsee at sunrise

I recently found Clay's Gornergrat cog rail ticket. It has the most extraordinary photo printed on it. Since we hadn't seen the sun rise on the Matterhorn or the reflection of the Matterhorn in Riffelsee, I know I didn't recognize the photo on the day we carried the tickets. It's a funny thing, you don't see a thing unless you are looking for it!

On the day, we rode the train back down to Zermatt we were looking for marmots. There was a small red deer within feet of Mom's window and we both almost didn't see it because it wasn't a marmot!

That is how I reconcile not appreciating the photo on the ticket until seeing it in hindsight. It raises another issue I have, this with Google/the Internet. You can find almost anything online if you already know about it. But it is very hard to learn about something that you know nothing about. Now when I Google Riffelsee, I see a lot of images similar to the ticket. But, when I started researching the best views of the Matterhorn from Zermatt, I know I don't remember anything about catching sunrise or any images of it. Now it is what I notice first. Is it just me?

Next question, since the train started running at 7am and sunrise was at 6:01am when we were there, how did someone get this photo at Riffelsee? I know you could possibly hike up or maybe spend the night up there, but still. Someone got up early in the morning for this and then also got lucky.