Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Monday, August 14, 2017

One year later

It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was only one year. Clay says it feels so long ago because the Down Under trip earlier this year was so strenuous that it took over a year off his life! We went with Crystal Cruises on the North West Passage cruise last year about this time! That was a spectacular experience. Crystal did a fantastic job. Last Friday, a package we weren't expecting was delivered to our front porch. Since we weren't expecting it we didn't actually find it until Saturday. It was from Crystal. It was a copy of a big coffee table book about our North West Passage Cruise in 2016. We found ourselves in the big parka-clad group photo. It was a classy surprise. Crystal continues to surpass our expectations.

In tremor update news. I stopped Neupro patches at 2mg. I never made the last bump up to 4mg, but stopped after 4 weeks of 1 and 2 mg useage. I was so focused on suicide that continuing was impossible. Not to mention that the dopamine agonist was doing nothing to help with my tremor. In fact, now weeks after I stopped the drug, my tremor remaining big and jerky instead of the small fast flutter it was before the drug. I am going to be very sad if my old small fast tremor is never recovered. The big jerky tremor is making my life much more difficult than it was pre-Neupro.

Plans continue for our return trip to Alaska via Canada next month as well as the Oceania cruise around to Miami. We have already booked a trip to Israel for early next year through Tulane Alumni. We have to get our passports renewed before that one.