Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another snow day, or week 2 round 4

It's beautiful, but enough already! I think the schools will either have to give up spring break or run long into summer to make up for all the inclement weather days out of school this February. I know we've just about had too much. Last week wasn't too bad as we caught up on the DVR, but this week we are into old DVDs. I should say now that "Forever" is the best new show of the bunch this TV season. Loved it! Today we found a new episode on the DVR, so that makes 16 episodes so far. Excellent! I don't want to seem like I am complaining, because the good news is that we have never lost power! Fingers crossed that holds true!

Here are some photos. And yes, the bird watching continues... I was photographing my favorite tree of cardinals (they were there for years before the neighbor put her birdfeeders out!) when she came out in the snow to restock the feeders! I hope she won't mind that I photographed her or posted it here, but it was a scene I'd be happy to remember.