Little Bob hits the road

Little Bob hits the road
Little Bob hits the road

Sunday, July 10, 2011

ADF - week 4

Man, time flies. There are only 2 weeks left to the American Dance Festival this summer. So, far this season seems uninspired. But, Emanuel Gat's Brilliant Corners was painful. I mean it isn't the most painful hour I have survived in my lifetime, but it was up there. Not like it was in the top 10 or anything, not like anything involving blood or tears. But in the pantheon of painful hours spent without blood or tears being shed, oh yeah, top 10. It was a good waste of 10 talented dancers for one very long hour. Clay was happy there was no intermission and second half and I had to laugh and assure him that would not have been an option. If they had closed a curtain and raised the lights, people would have stampeded out of that auditorium like a building afire. Oh, well. It is an evening we will be sure not to repeat in the future. Cacophony and twitching. The sound track was composed of what artists refer to as found sound. Laypeople will know it as atonal and non-rhythmic noise. It went on for about 20 minutes and then they "danced" in silence for about 20 minutes. At that point, I was having trouble deciding which was more painful, then the "music" came back and I still am not sure.

We had dinner at Piedmont. It was strangely disappointing too. I won't go on about that. I'm done.

We love Black & White cake at Mad Hatter Bakery. Clay loves their Chocolate Whopper cookies. Mad Hatter now closes at 9pm so we haven't been able to squeeze in a visit yet. We took over a cooler and ice packs and brought home treats, so we still have that to look forward to next week.

We have a Cirque du Soleil performance to attend tonight. So, still something spectacular to look forward to. We have tickets to Alegria. We are looking forward to it.